6th Annual Charles A. Hale Lecture (2015)
The Latin American Studies Program hosted the annual Charles A. Hale Lecture, entitled "Linked In, Left Out, Uplifted, Downloaded: The Ecology of Language in a Globalizing World” presented by Mary Louise Pratt, on Thursday, October 29th, 2015, from 3:30 - 5:00pm, in 1117 University Capitol Centre.
Pratt is Professor Emerita of Social and Cultural Analysis, Comparative Literature, and Spanish and Portuguese at NYU, where she held the Silver Chair until her recent retirement. Author of the influential book, Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation (2nd ed, 2007), among numerous publications, Pratt is recognized for her distinguished scholarship in literary and cultural studies of the Americas. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and former President of the MLA (2003).
The Charles A. Hale Lecture honors the memory of Professor Charles A. Hale (1930 - 2008), a specialist in Latin American liberalism and intellectual history. He was a distinguished scholar and faculty member at the University of Iowa from 1966 - 1997.
This event is sponsored by the the Latin American Studies Program (LASP), International Programs, and the Department of History.