The minor in Latin American studies (LAS) requires a minimum of 15 s.h. in Latin American Studies Program (LASP) approved courses, including at least 12 s.h. completed at the University of Iowa. Students must maintain a cumulative g.p.a. of at least 2.00 in all courses for the minor and in all UI courses for the minor.
A student may earn the certificate or the minor in Latin American studies, but not both.
Students may count a total of 6 s.h. earned for majors, certificates, and other minors toward the Latin American studies minor. The minor is interdisciplinary, so it may include a maximum of 6 s.h. of credit from any single department or program.
To request approval of a course for the LAS minor which is not currently on the approved list, students can submit an online course petition.
Listed below are the general categories of coursework required to earn the degree; for more specific information on courses, curriculum, and requirements of the minor in Latin American studies, visit the UI General Catalog.
Title | Hours |
Latin American Studies Program (LASP) approved courses. Students are highly encouraged to complete either or both of these courses for the minor:
15 |
Total Hours | 15 |
Available Courses by Semester
The availability of courses that satisfy requirements for the minor may change from semester to semester. In order to make it easier for interested students to find these courses, included below is a list of available courses by semester.

Fall 2022
DANC:1150 Brazilian Culture and Carnival
HIST:1016 The History That Made Our World -- Latin American Food History
HIST:3508 Disease and Health in Latin America
LAS:2700 Introduction to Latin American Studies
MUS:2311 Music of Latin America and the Caribbean
POLI:3104 Immigration Politics
SPAN:2500 Readings in Spanish American Literature
SPAN:3060 Introductory Workshop on Creative Writing in Spanish
SPAN:3290 Topics in Cinema and Society -- Chile
SPAN:3310 Spanish American Short Story
SPAN:3350 Contemporary Spanish American Literature
SPAN:4330 Colonial Spanish American Literature -- Sor Juana, Her Contemporaries, and Her Legacy
Spring 2022
COMM:4157 Community Media
DANC:2150 Brazilian Social Dance: The Samba
HIST:3501 Rebel Island: A History of Cuba
LAS:4700 Latin American Studies Seminar: Buenos Aires and the Arts
MUS:3163 Intermediate Steel Band
SPAN:2500 Readings in Spanish American Literature
SPAN:3060 Intro Workshop on Creative Writing in Spanish
SPAN:3225 Latin American Women Writers
SPAN:4390 Topics in Spanish American Literature: History and Literature of Cuba